Friday, August 21, 2015

Chipotle-Spiced Tuna Cups

These were fun to make. For a low carb diet or a high protein snack, these little cuke-bites are yummy. 
I used two cans of white chunk tuna and two large garden cucumbers; one peeled, and one skin on. 

For the tuna, in a bowl mix:
Two cans of drained white chunk tuna
Sprinkle salt, pepper and chipotle spice seasoning (if you don't have, a dash of cayenne will do)
A tbsp of relish
Two tbsps of mayo 
A tbsp of plain yogurt. 

If you find the mix too dry add more mayo. 

Chop your cucumbers in large pieces, then with a tsp, dig out the seeds of each chunk so you have mini cups. I rested mine on paper towel just to absorb any excess water. 

Then fill and set in a deep dish (pie dish works well) and sprinkle some chopped green onions on top! 


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